Feather Care - How To



Feather Washing

Feathers, often underestimated for their durability, can be effectively cleaned using readily available materials such as hand soap or even dish soap, particularly if they've accumulated significant grease. To ensure proper cleaning without causing damage, follow these steps:

Preparation: Inspect the feathers for dirt and excess grease. If they appear clumpy or very oily, consider soaking them in dish soap for a few hours.

Cleaning Process: Wash the feathers in a single direction, starting from the quill (the central spine) and gently moving toward the tip of each feather. Avoid washing in the opposite direction, as this could risk breaking the delicate barbs that form the feather's structure.

Rinsing: After cleaning, rinse the feathers thoroughly to remove any soap residue, ensuring that no traces of soap remain.

Feather Drying: Drying feathers is a straightforward process. You can use a hairdryer, particularly if you have a small volume to dry. Choose your preferred setting, just as you would with your hair. Again, make sure to dry the feathers in the same direction as you washed them to avoid potential damage.

Air Drying: If your feathers are entirely clean with no residue, air-drying is an option. Residue can lead to clumpy drying, in which case you may need to wash the feathers again.

Laundry Dryer: For larger quantities of feathers, especially large ostrich feathers and feather boas, using a laundry dryer is an option. Small plumage can be placed in a pillowcase, securely tied, and added to the dryer. To reduce static and increase fluffiness, you can include dryer sheets with your feathers.


Feather Steaming

Steaming feathers is a common practice to restore their fullness and achieve their best appearance. In a professional setting, a hair steamer is used, but at home, you can achieve similar results with a handheld iron steamer or by boiling a pot of water in a kettle and steam the feathers over the boiling steam. If neither of these options is available, lightly misting the feathers with water and then using a hairdryer on high heat can also produce a similar effect.


Feather Curling / Straightening

Feathers share similarities with hair and can be curled or straightened using a flat iron. The soft nature of feather barbs makes them easy to manipulate with heat. A temperature of around 300 °F is recommended for working with feathers.


By following these straightforward steps, you can ensure that your feathers remain in excellent condition and maintain their natural beauty.